

How to apply the voucher?
  • Select GrabPay as the payment option upon checkout.
  • Enter your mobile number registered with Grab and the ensuing SMS-OTP and PIN.
  • Check that the voucher is auto-applied (or key in promo code "HNGRAB20", "HNGRAB45" or "HNGRAB75" under "Add Offer") before confirming payment.
Terms & Conditions
  • Promo is valid for purchases made with PayLater Instalment on participating merchants only. It is not valid if payment is made with the GrabPay Card or third-party e-wallets.
  • Promo is applicable with a minimum spend of $350, $900 and $1,500 respectively with PayLater Instalments.
    • $20 off minimum spend of $350* Promo Code: HNGRAB20
    • $45 off minimum spend of $900* Promo Code: HNGRAB45
    • $75 off minimum spend of $1,500* Promo Code: HNGRAB75
  • Limited to one redemption per user. Limited total number of redemptions apply.
  • Promo will not be refunded to user if the promotion was applied on a refunded transaction.
  • Promo is not valid in conjunction with any other discounts, offers, privileges, promotions and vouchers.
  • Grab reserves the right to vary and amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.

How to apply the voucher?
  • Select GrabPay as the payment option upon checkout.
  • Enter your mobile number registered with Grab and the ensuing SMS-OTP and PIN.
  • Check that the voucher is auto-applied (or key in promo code "PAYLATER10" under "Add Offer") before confirming payment.
Terms & Conditions
  • Promo is valid for purchases made with PayLater Instalment on participating merchants only. It is not valid if payment is made with the GrabPay Card or third-party e-wallets.
  • Promo is applicable with a minimum spend of $20 with PayLater Instalments.
  • Limited to one redemption per user. Limited total number of redemptions apply.
  • Promo will not be refunded to user if the promotion was applied on a refunded transaction.
  • Promo is not valid in conjunction with any other discounts, offers, privileges, promotions and vouchers.
  • Grab reserves the right to vary and amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.

For more information and Terms and Conditions, please visit Grab

Frequently Asked Questions
How does PayLater work?

    PayLater provides additional payment flexibility. You can make payments in the next month or in 4, 8 or 12 instalments. A processing fee is applicable for 8 or 12 instalment options.

    Keep in mind, a S$15 admin fee is incurred if you fail to make your payment in time. You may read more in our Terms of Service. At the request of customers, we will provide explanations in Chinese, Malay, and Tamil.

Am I eligible for PayLater?

    To qualify, you should be:

    • You've been an existing Grab user for at least 6 months.
    • You're aged 18 years and above.
    • Your account has been fully verified.
    • You're a Platinum, Gold, or Silver GrabRewards tier member.
    • Your Grab app has been updated to the latest version.

    If you're eligible for PayLater, you'll be able to activate it in-app, or simply launch your Grab app, tap on Finance, tap on Enjoy Now and Pay Later under Explore GrabPay.

    If you don't see the PayLater option, we're unfortunately unable to offer this service to you just yet. All approvals are subject to our internal review.

    We are working towards providing the PayLater service to more users soon. Stay tuned!

Will I get GrabRewards points if I use PayLater?

    Easily track if you're earning GrabRewards points for your selected Grab payment method by checking it during the checkout flow. Get up to 0.5% back in GrabRewards points for every PayLater transaction.

    Look out for our various exciting promotions and merchant offers for great value at our merchant directory.

Why should I use GrabPay?

    It's the faster, easier way to pay. Simply swipe on your phone to pay and earn GrabRewards points. You may use your points to:

    • Redeem discounts off your Grab transactions.
    • Redeem exciting partner rewards from the GrabRewards catalogue.
    • Offset your online and offline payments.
What is the difference between GrabPay and GrabPay Wallet?

    GrabPay is the collective umbrella term for all of Grab's payment services. GrabPay Wallet is a licensed e-money wallet containing a topped-up balance. Use it to shop online, make payments, transfer funds and earn rewards on your transactions.

Do I need a credit card/debit card to use GrabPay Wallet?

    No, you don't. You can also use PayNow to top up your GrabPay Wallet.

I have more questions, where can I find help?

    Find a comprehensive library of help articles in Grab's Help Center.

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